National Collegiate Student Loan Trust
National Collegiate Student Loan Trust
Debt Relief Lawyer in New York City
Have you been notified of a pending lawsuit on behalf of National Collegiate Student Loan Trust? Are you wondering how to find a debt relief lawyer in New York City who can help by providing you with an aggressive lawsuit defense that will increase your chances of reaching a successful resolution? If so, you have found the right law firm. The lawyers here at Lebedin Kofman LLP have years of experience defending clients against organizations like National Collegiate Student Loan Trust. We have a comprehensive understanding of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and are well aware of the regulations these companies must adhere to when attempting to collect on an allegedly unpaid debt. We also know the unethical tactics these companies have been known to employ in an effort to scare consumers into paying on debts they either do not owe, or were not aware were in default and had been sent to collections. It is for that reason we are committed to providing our clients with the legal protection and assistance they need when faced with a sudden lawsuit or unrelenting collection efforts.
What to Do If You Are Being Sued By National Collegiate Student Loan Trust
The National Collegiate Student Loan Trust is not a lender. It is an organization that makes its money by purchasing private student loan debt from banks and other lenders, usually at pennies on the dollar. Most large lenders and financial institutions do not engage in their own collection efforts. Once a loan has defaulted, a lender will generally sell that loan or transfer it to a debt collection agency for a small fee. As a result, collection agencies like National Collegiate Student Loan Trust stand to make a significant profit on any funds they are able to collect. Debt collectors count on the fact that most people are entirely unaware that their original loan has been sold to a student loan insurer or debt purchaser until they receive notification that a lawsuit has been filed against them. Even then, out of sheer fear or due to intimidation, many people will not make any effort to defend themselves. That is where our firm comes in.
Take immediate action to contact our firm and schedule to meet with a New York City debt relief lawyer at once so that we can review your case, analyze the pending legal actions against you, and we fight hard to protect your rights. Do not sit back and do nothing, particularly when a knowledgeable lawyer can advocate on your behalf, and has the legal skills that could lead to a positive outcome.

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Read Our Debt Defense Blog-
“It's always tough to write about people that were with you when things got tough, but Mr. Kofman was heaven-sent!” - Klim K.
“The patience and persistence that they showed makes me believe anything is truly possible.” - Edward C.
“Arthur & Russ are great! Friendly, attentive, and knowledgeable! Do not hesitate to work with them!” - Jeffrey R.